Chronic sinusitis: saline irrigation helps somewhat; steroid doesn't add more benefit

Clinical Question

In patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, does the addition of budesonide to a saline irrigation solution result in further improvement in symptoms?

Bottom line

This study showed that patients with chronic rhinosinusitis who continue to use a saline nasal wash (NeilMed) will often experience an improvement in symptoms that can be clinically meaningful, but the addition of the corticosteroid budesonide has yet to be shown to provide extra benefit. 2b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Self-funded or unfunded

Setting: Outpatient (specialty)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Dommage que l’etude N’avait pas la force pour voir une vrai différence mais dans les constances l’ajout d’une corticostéroïde ne semble pas apporter le bénéfice espéré.


Agree with review about low power. Also worth noting that the high number of dropouts also carries a high risk for bias in the results. Study was not worth a SNOT.


Good poem




With 30 days of continuous large-volume basis-sinus lavage, it’s surprising to me they had only a 33% dropout of testees. All that to demonstrate an effect! I once had such a problem, and I know from experience that if offered a steroid supplement or not I would surely go for it.


Chronic sinusitis control

My own experience of using budesonide irrigations daily for two years, plus several patients beg to differ.. it helps a GREAT deal, I disbelieve the validity of the findings of this trial