Estrogen no better than vaginal lubricant for postmenopausal vaginal symptoms

Clinical Question

In women with postmenopausal vaginal symptoms, is local estrogen treatment better than vaginal lubricant or placebo?

Bottom line

Time for a rethink the idea that vaginal atrophy due to diminished estrogen is the cause of vaginal symptoms associated with menopause. Vaginal estradiol (Vagifem) is no more effective than a nonprescription vaginal lubricant (Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer) or placebo lubricant in the treatment of women with painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, or other symptoms usually associated with menopause. 1b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Government

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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This is surprising. I think this information may help me reassure those women who prefer to avoid hormones and may save money for patients and health plans!


This is sad, to say that Vagifem is of little benefit. Maybe if it was used in a therapeutic dose range and not a homeopathic dose. Many postmenopausal women need to use it daily for several weeks, then use it every second day.


I have talked to many women who find that use of vaginal estriol compound does make their vaginal dryness better


HOLY MOLY!! Is this true???? I've been prescribing local HRT as a step up from vaginal lubricant for years! Now what?? Any alternatives if lubricant is not enough???


No distinction was drawn between naturally occurring menopause versus abrupt post-surgical menopause.


It would be nice to know what they used as a placebo, to recommend to woman.


If findings of this trial are replicable, we could see a reversal of medical decision making to use ERT as first line therapy for this condition


I don’t think low dose vagifem is effective either. It would be more interesting to compare Premarin cream to replens or Lubricant.


this may be a reflection that vaginal tablet estrogen is not a topical treatment, should study compare to an estrogen cream