No benefit with transfusion of fresh red cells compared with older red cells in critically ill patients

Clinical Question

In critically ill patients, does transfusion with fresh red cells as compared with older red cells lower mortality?

Bottom line

Using fresh red cells as compared with standard-issue older red cells for transfusion in critically ill patients does not affect mortality and may increase the number of deaths in patients who are more severely ill. 1b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Government

Setting: Inpatient (ICU only)


Nita Shrikant Kulkarni, MD
Assistant Professor in Hospital Medicine
Northwestern University
Chicago, IL

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Il est bon de savoir que la « fraîcheur » du sang n’affecte pas la survie à 90 jours. Dans des petits hôpitaux régions je serais curieux de savoir si nous recevons du sang plus frais ou ancien!


well done study; saves $$ by reducing logistics costs ( fresh blood ).
evidence based demystifying study

