HPV vaccine not associated with chronic fatigue or other autonomic dysfunction syndromes

Question clinique

Is the human papillomavirus vaccine associated with the development of autonomic dysfunction?


The loosely categorized autonomic dysfunction syndromes include chronic fatigue, complex regional pain syndrome, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Administration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is not associated with an increase risk of developing any of these syndromes. 4

Plan de l'etude: Case series

Financement: Industry + foundation

Cadre: Population-based


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Alan Kenneth Macklem


Those that don't accept vaccinations won't believe this paper, and those that accept vaccinations- physicians et al- will believe.

Frank Smith

HPV vaccine and potential Neuro defects.

This is reassuring and fits with all the other myths of the dangers of vaccination.
I have five Granddaughters so it is of special interest to me, apart from for my patients!