​​Submit a guideline

You can submit a guideline and/or related materials (e.g., patient versions, quick-reference guides, evaluation documents) for possible inclusion in the CPG Infobase. All submissions will be carefully reviewed to ensure they meet the inclusion criteria. A staff member will contact you with the results of this review process.

What is a clinical practice guideline (CPG)?

CMA Joule follows the lead of the Institute of Medicine in defining CPGs as "systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. " [Committee to Advise the Public Health Service on Clinical Practice Guidelines, Institute of Medicine. Clinical practice guidelines: directions for a new program. Washington: National Academy Press; 1990. p. 38.]

What are the criteria for the inclusion of a clinical practice guideline in the C​PG Infobase?

(currently under review)

To be included in the CPG Infobase, each guideline must:

  • Include information to help patients and physicians make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Ethics guidelines are included only if they help in decision-making concerning appropriate care. Guidelines on facilities, management, training or professional qualifications are not included unless they also contain guidelines on clinical practice.
  • Be produced in Canada by a medical or health organization, professional society, government agency or expert panel at the national, provincial/ territorial or regional level (CPGs produced by individuals are excluded), or produced outside Canada by one of the foregoing types of groups and officially endorsed by an authoritative Canadian organization.​
  • {Have been developed or reviewed in the last 5 years (rolling date).
  • Have evidence that a literature search was performed during guideline development.
In addition, all developers are encouraged to include a structured abstract with each guideline. This will assist users in determining whether the guideline is appropriate to their specific clinical circumstances.


What are related materials?

Related materials include any item that is connected to a guideline meeting the above inclusion criteria. This could include patient versions, physician quick-reference guides, evaluation documents, review articles, editorials, etc.

How do I submit a guideline and/or related materials?

Submissions can be done by regular mail, fax or email. Please include the full name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the appropriate contact person.

CPG Infobase Information Specialist, CMA Joule Email: ​infobase@cma.ca