Sotrovimab reduces the likelihood of hospitalization in at-risk outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19 (NNT = 16)

Clinical Question

Does sotrovimab reduce the likelihood of disease progression in persons with mild to moderate COVID-19 who are at increased risk for severe disease?

Bottom line

Sotrovimab significantly reduces the likelihood of hospitalization in adult outpatients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the past 5 days who have risk factors for progression (NNT = 16). 1b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Industry

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

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Abstract does NOT disclose they excluded all vaccinated pati

Even the study doesn't mention this - you have to dig through the Appendix to see that this wasn't tested for effect on anyone who was vaccinated! Also excludes most significantly immunocompromised patients so does not apply to >90% of our population

Richard James Beever

'old' data issue

paper e published Oct 27 2021, so likely delta variant. since then FDA USA has been removing the EUA for the monoclonal antibodies as not effective for omnicron.


sotrovimab use in covid pts

reduces hospitalizations