Treatment of prediabetes with metformin or intensive lifestyle therapy for at least 3 years has no long-term benefits (Diabetes Prevention Program)

Clinical Question

What is the long-term impact of treating prediabetes on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes?

Bottom line

In patients with prediabetes, neither an intensive lifestyle intervention nor metformin had any impact on the long-term risk of cardiovascular outcomes. 1b-

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (nonblinded)

Funding: Government

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

Discuss this POEM


Roland Michael Grad

Treatment of prediabetes?

This POEM says something for Choosing Wisely in Medicine. The benefit of labelling patients as "prediabetic" and then treating them seems to be zero.


How about diet

Would be interested to see intensive lifestyle intervention to be more diet oriented as opposed to exercise oriented.





as above

the same group of patients engaged. in two different studies in two different regimens results will be. skewed. confusion reg. aic levels. reg. pre. and diabetics.