AAN guideline on managing painful diabetic polyneuropathy

Clinical Question

Which therapies are effective for the management of painful diabetic polyneuropathy?

Bottom line

Based on systematic reviews of the literature, the AAN recommends the use of TCAs, SNRIs, gabapentinoids, and/or sodium channel blockers as first-line treatment. Clinicians should address concurrent mood and sleep disorders. A series of medication trials may be needed to identify the most effective therapy for each individual. The panel does not recommend using opioids, tramadol, or tapentadol. 5

Study design: Practice guideline

Funding: Unknown/not stated

Setting: Various (guideline)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Rachel Park

Diabetic neuropathy

It would be nice to see a study comparing CBD:THC to these medications




Kathleen Alayna Clarkson

For a collection of drugs…

For a collection of drugs with seriously underwhelming benefits, it would be nice to see more commentary about their side effect/tolerability profiles - which differ significantly among classes - given that the majority of diabetic neuropathy sufferers are old and frail.


drugs for peripheral neuropathy pain

gabapentin seems best or pregabilin