Intensive BP control modestly decreased the likelihood of a broad composite of CV events, but with methodologic limitations

Clinical Question

In older patients with hypertension, does a lower systolic blood pressure target reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular events?

Bottom line

These researchers report a modest reduction in the likelihood of a broad cardiovascular composite outcome (NNT = 91 over 3.3 years). However, the open-label design is an important limitation, and I have serious concerns over the adequacy of the authors' reporting of adverse events. 1b-

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (single-blinded)

Funding: Government

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

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Reza Khosroshahy

Insensitive characterization

I think in the current atmosphere of xenophobia/otherophobia/Islamophobia/Sinophobia/etc, it may not be nice & empathic to state "Chinese" in the article, specially in the first sentence. Where the researchers are from, is not relevant to their findings. Considering the current climate, if I were a Chinese person, I would have been upset. This article, like any other article, needs to be discussed or critiqued based on its merits, rather than which country the authors are from. What if the authors where Russian, Iranian, Korean, Saudis, Iraqis, etc? We have a choice: To be mindful or don't care, about the words we use. Words do hurt & prolong & recreate hate.


intensive bp reduction in the elderly

it may not be necessary as it was not shown conclusively in the study to reduce events, but bp control should still be a goal