Fecal calprotectin is reasonably accurate in identifying kids with inflammatory bowel disease in primary care

Clinical Question

How accurate is fecal calprotectin testing in identifying children with inflammatory bowel disease in primary care settings?

Bottom line

In this study, primary care–based testing of fecal calprotectin was reasonably accurate in identifying which children with gastrointestinal symptoms should be referred for diagnosis. When the fecal calprotectin result is negative, it effectively rules out inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 1c

Study design: Cohort (prospective)

Funding: Self-funded or unfunded

Setting: Outpatient (primary care)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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false positive test outcome

a 50% false outcome is quite bothering and not helpful in children / patients

George Manuel Burden


It requires quite a song and dance to order one of these in Nova Scotia.

Alan Kenneth Macklem


This sounds like a test that the specialist would order. It is reassuring to have something that does not involve a procedure in a child. A lot easier on everyone.


screen for fecal calprotectin for Peds pts with IBD symptoms

will refer all +ve tests > 100

James Bryan Price


I had never heard of this
Had to do some reading
Might prove very useful if available