BMD testing: one and done

Clinical Question

Are repeat bone mineral density tests necessary to identify women who are susceptible to fracture?

Bottom line

Rechecking bone mineral density (BMD) after 3 years does not add additional prognostic information. In other words, not much changes in 3 years with regard to estimating fracture risk and, presumably, need for treatment, so serial testing is not useful. Another study found similar results in older patients, and, similarly, a third study found that BMD monitoring is not necessary after starting treatment with a bisphosphonate. 1b

Study design: Cohort (prospective)

Funding: Government

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Alan Kenneth Macklem

osteoporosis screening

it is good to know that once is ok


Bone Mineral Density

Finally. I have suspected this fact, that further BMD testing does not add much for years. I also live rural and do not have it available locally and have to send patients hours always to get it done, which adds risk and cost. I have been waiting for something to suggest that it adds not further benefit over baseline.



How do you assess response to treatment?

Frank Smith

BMD measurement

I am surprised by this result. I have seen many patients increase their bone density over 5years and no fractures. But those who have not increased their density suffer toe , hip, vertebral compression fractures. I have referred them on to a Bone Density specialisrt. So it never occurred to me that it was not worth while.








The study only refers to…

The study only refers to women who had no treatment other than calcium and vitamin D. It doesn’t stratify the women based on their family history, history of a possible prior fragility fracture, or being on medication that is associated with bony demineralization. I don’t see how one can draw any useful conclusions from the material that was presented.