American Thoracic Society guideline for initiating medications for smoking cessation

Clinical Question

What is the optimal approach to the use of medications to aid in smoking cessation?

Bottom line

The American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommends the use of varenicline (marketed in the United States as Chantix) monotherapy over all other agents, even among precontemplative patients and those with psychiatric conditions. Additionally, patients should be treated for longer than 12 weeks. The ATS also recommends varenicline plus nicotine replacement, but at the cost of increased side effects. 5

Study design: Practice guideline

Funding: Foundation

Setting: Outpatient (any)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Alan Kenneth Macklem


Even in those prone to depression?, addition of nicotine is interesting



Advise caution with use in Bipolar patients


new information for me

Common important health issue. Will be helpful.