Schmutz in the urine contaminates culture results

Clinical Question

Does the presence of squamous epithelial cells decrease the accuracy of urinalysis?

Bottom line

This study confirms both what we were taught and what we have observed in our own practices: The presence of squamous epithelial cells makes the interpretation of urine cultures less accurate. 2b

Study design: Cohort (retrospective)

Funding: Government

Setting: Emergency department


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Relationship between urinalysis and positive urine cultures.

Leukocyte esterase activity less reliable regardless of the presence or absence of squamous epithelial cells. The presence of nitrites remained fairly specific independent of SECs.

Alan Kenneth Macklem

gunk in urine

the presence of nitrates still is the single most reliable indicator on the urine stick.


As expected

As expected

Jack Veasey

Schmutz in the Urine

A nice, folksy read. Good job, doctor! JV

Siobhan Mary Muldowney

Thanks for the laugh

"Schmutz". That is all.