Vibegron effective versus placebo but not tolterodine for adults with overactive bladder symptoms (EMPOWUR)

Clinical Question

Is vibegron safe and effective in improving symptoms of overactive bladder in adults?

Bottom line

This study found that vibegron is safe and more effective than placebo, but not more effective than tolterodine, for improving symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) in adults. Whether a mean of 1 fewer urge incontinence episode every 2 days is clinically significant remains uncertain. The authors did not do any assessments for quality-of-life improvements. 1b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Industry

Setting: Outpatient (specialty)


David C. Slawson, MD
Professor and Vice Chair of Family Medicine for Education and Scholarship
Atrium Health
Professor of Family Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill
Charlotte, NC

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Testing Resident01

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Excellent POEM

Alan Kenneth Macklem

A new urgency product

as effective as the older one. What is the price? I did in the past run patients on samples, that is drying up.


new information for me

Common issue. Good reminder