Low-dose aspirin beneficial for the prevention of preterm birth in nulliparas with singleton pregnancy

Clinical Question

Does low-dose aspirin starting in early pregnancy reduce the incidence of preterm birth among nulliparous women with singleton gestation?

Bottom line

The routine use of low-dose aspirin — 81 mg daily — starting as early as 6 weeks' gestational age provided a statistically significant absolute risk reduction (nearly 2 percentage points) in the incidence of preterm birth among nulliparous women with singleton gestation in resource-poor countries. No significant treatment harms were observed, though the study was not powered to assess rare events. It is not clear whether the results are generalizable to women in advanced economies. 1b

Study design: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Funding: Government

Setting: Outpatient (primary care)


Linda Speer, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

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Level 1 evidence

So now every obstetrician is obliged to counsel and recommend daily ASA for all nulliparous women for the 1.5% benefit -- if it makes it to the guidelines. Because practice today is driven by the whip of the College.