Personal sound amplifier may be an option for people with mild to moderate hearing loss

Clinical Question

Can a nonprescription personal sound amplifier work as well as a hearing aid?

Bottom line

Personal sound amplifiers—which are generally bigger and bulkier but cheaper than hearing aids—are the over-the-counter versions of prescription hearing aids. In this laboratory study, patients with mild to moderate hearing loss performed similarly well on hearing tests using a personal sound amplifier or a basic or premium hearing aid. The personal sound amplifier used in this study was a relatively expensive in-ear model and the results may not apply to less expensive versions, though a 2017 study found 3 versions to be good for improving understanding of speech. 1b

Study design: Cross-over trial (randomized)

Funding: Unknown/not stated

Setting: Outpatient (specialty)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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