American College of Gastroenterology guideline for diagnosing and managing GERD

Clinical Question

How should clinicians evaluate and manage persons with suspected gastroesophageal reflux disease?

Bottom line

The American College of Gastroenterology has updated its guideline for the diagnosis and management of GERD. The paper has several useful tables and algorithms that may be of use to primary care clinicians.

This POEM aligns with the Choosing Wisely Canada recommendation that advises not to maintain long-term PPI therapy for gastrointestinal symptoms without stopping at least once per year in most patients. Choosing Wisely Canada’s toolkit provides tools for deprescribing PPIs.


Study design: Practice guideline

Funding: Unknown/not stated

Setting: Various (guideline)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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EGD after 8 week unsuccessful PPI trial?

I currently know of no circumstance where I could have access to a public-system gastroenterologist to do an EGD after an unsuccessful 8 week trial of a PPI. I appreciate this guideline, I simply wanted to express my frustration. Where I practice, unsuccessful PPI for suspected reflux without alarm symptoms waits up to 1 year (or more).