Pay attention to gut feelings about cancer in patients

Question clinique

How reliable are general practitioners' gut feelings in diagnosing cancer in their patients?


In this systematic review, clinicians' gut feelings of a potential cancer diagnosis in their patients are associated with higher odds of cancer. It also finds, not surprisingly, that clinicians often act on their gut feelings. 2a-

Plan de l'etude: Systematic review

Financement: Government

Cadre: Outpatient (primary care)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Alan Kenneth Macklem

gut feelings

There is a good description of this in Malcolm Gladwell's book; "Blink"

Eileen A. Lynn Tobiasson McCallum

“Gut feelings”

What are “gut feelings”? I think it is just another term we use to describe that sensation that we know something but we really can’t describe how we know it. “Psychic” is another term for it. I’m not deriding listening to your gut; I use it all the time. Over the years I think most of us have learned that we must listen to our gut on a lot of things. I think we are just observing abnormalities about the patient that we cannot adequately describe, but that our brain has associated with cancer or other ill health. Perhaps it is a subtle skin colour change, or scent on the breath or body. Something that flies below our conscious mind, but still informs us. If we pay attention. We are trained observers, after all.

George Manuel Burden

Gut feeling on cancer

A common phenomenon in family docs certainly and often proves valid!

John W. Alvarez de Lorenzana

Evidence Based Intuition

Great to have some empirical evidence to back up what many of us already know, that clinical intuition and gut feelings are a critical aspect of being a physician.


gut feelings about cancer in a patient

I believe that good practitioners practice the "art of medicine" which involves "gut feelings" that something is wrong and needs to be investigated


Gut Feeling

Gut Feeling is our body's way of communicating its assessment of the situation apart from our logical brain. The way the body communicates its feeling of fear, hunger, anxiety etc are by feeling (emotions mediated by chemicals) not words and sentences. We favour the supposedly more objective analytic thoughtful approach rather than encouraging the subjective emotional thinking process of our body. Brain and Body have different ways of assessing the World and coping with problems.