COVID-19 research briefs: Not all face coverings offer similar degrees of protection

Question clinique

How effective are the different types of face masks for preventing the spread of COVID-19?


Based on laser testing, N95 masks transmitted less than 0.1% of respiratory droplets of COVID-19. 2c

Plan de l'etude: Other

Financement: Unknown/not stated

Cadre: Other


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Alan Kenneth Macklem

types of masks

What about the intermediate type masks. Not many of us wear N95 except in difficult situations.


If you look at the study …

If you look at the study (the link is right there), you can see the types of mask they used. #1 appears to be a commercial ear-loop procedure mask similar to what most healthcare workers are being provided with, if that's what you specifically mean by "intermediate type."



Hope a vaccine works

Wojciech S. Brzezinski


It should be broth to the attention of various POLITICIANS.

Dalia Antonio Bernard

Good information to know

Needs more information about which material or fabric works better for protection against transmission of Viruses through droplets other than N95 mask ? patients how make their own mask always ask me this question


good information

Good to think about this issue