Use of the Cytosponge to screen for Barrett's esophagus is feasible in primary care settings

Question clinique

Can swallowing a special sponge to sample esophageal epithelial cells for biomarker testing identify patients with Barrett's esophagus in primary care settings?


In this limited study, screening for Barrett's esophagus with a nurse-administered, office-based procedure was feasible in primary care settings and had a higher yield of Barrett's esophagus detection than usual care. 2b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (nonblinded)

Financement: Industry + govt

Cadre: Outpatient (primary care)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Alan Kenneth Macklem

simple office procedure

It sounds like something the gastroenterologists will start using in the office before it spreads to family doctors.

Testing Physician24

