The STOPPFrail criteria decreases medication use and costs without short-term harms

Question clinique

Do the STOPPFrail criteria facilitate safe deprescribing of medications for hospitalized patients 75 years or older?


Deprescribing using the Screening Tool of Older Persons' Prescriptions in Frail Adults with a Limited Life Expectancy (STOPPFrail) criteria resulted in elderly patients taking fewer medications without increasing harms. 1b-

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (nonblinded)

Financement: Foundation

Cadre: Inpatient (any location) with outpatient follow-up


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Richard W. Bullock

Over-prescription in the elderly

In sharp contrast, our teaching hospital in Hamilton Ontario initiated a programme to assure that admitted patients from nursing homes "received all of their usual medications" even though in many cases over-prescription and chronic overdose was the very thing that lead to hospitalization! My experience of 35 years working with concerned families of these types of patients is that once I say "Sometimes when people get older, they need less, not more medication" I get complete agreement and cooperation.