COVID-19 research briefs: 44% of secondary infections of SARS-CoV2 occur when the index case is presymptomatic

Question clinique

How common is the presymptomatic transmission of the COVID-19 virus?


This analysis of the temporal pattern of viral shedding of COVID-19 finds that a high proportion of secondary cases were infected when the index case was presymptomatic. 4

Plan de l'etude: Not applicable


Cadre: Not applicable


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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incubation period vs ore-symptomatic period

It would have been help to note how the researchers calculated the incubation period and what definition they used to separate these terms.They stated “epidemiologic modeling and a mean incubation period of 5.2 days, the authors inferred that infectiousness starts 2.3 days before symptom onset with a peak infectiousness..”.
Current assumptions are an IP OF 2-14 days, which may mean you are infectious while in the IP phase —which is not uncommon but alarming for prevention through temperature and screening questions. Hence the push for physical distancing, masks and hand washing. 🍀