MAb114 and REGN-EB3 preferred over ZMapp and remdesivir for the treatment of Ebola virus disease (PALM)

Question clinique

What is the best treatment for patients infected with the Ebola virus?


The new agents MAb114 and REGN-EB3 are both more effective than ZMapp or remdesivir for treatment of Ebola virus disease. 1b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Outpatient (any)


Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

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Real significance

Ebola is not part of my suburban GP practice. Yet this POEM is appreciated because it puts perspective on the types of statistics that are considered meaningful.
A 35.1% vs 49.7% mortality rate difference is more significant, in every sense, than head-to-head comparisons of any two NOACs or ARBs.
Thank you for this POEM.