Sertraline slightly reduces symptoms of depression and provides other benefits in primary care

Question clinique

In patients identified with symptoms of depression in primary care settings, is treatment with sertraline (Zoloft) more effective than treatment with placebo?


After 6 weeks, treatment with either sertraline or placebo produces similar decreases, on average, in depressive symptoms. By 12 weeks of therapy, the average scores will be better with active treatment, though still in the mild range. With sertraline, more patients will achieve remission, anxiety scores will decrease, and mental health–related quality of life scores will be better. 1b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Outpatient (primary care)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Fred Mather

Evaluating treatment of depression.

This study shows that subjective improvement matches objective improvement. What the patient tells us is often the best guide to effectiveness of treatment. Moreover, it assures the patients acceptance of treatment and adherence.