Planned delivery for late preterm preeclampsia reduces maternal morbidity

Question clinique

Does planned early delivery for women with preeclampsia reduce maternal morbidity without an unacceptable increase in neonatal morbidity?


Planned delivery at 34 to 36 6/7 weeks' gestation for women with preeclampsia results in more favorable outcomes for mothers. More neonates were admitted to a neonatal special care nursery in the planned delivery group, based primarily on gestational age, but otherwise there were no indicators of increased neonatal morbidity in the planned delivery group. 1b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (nonblinded)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Outpatient (specialty)


Linda Speer, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

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reducing maternal morbidity…

reducing maternal morbidity is a good thing