Poor-quality studies: several public health measures are effective in controlling the spread of COVID-19

Question clinique

Other than vaccination, what public health measures are effective in controlling the spread of COVID-19?


The paucity of high-quality data suggests we need better studies to determine which measures are truly effective. However, it appears that several personal and social protective measures, including handwashing, mask wearing, and physical distancing, are associated with reductions in COVID-19 incidence. 2a-

Plan de l'etude: Meta-analysis (other)

Financement: Self-funded or unfunded

Cadre: Various (meta-analysis)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Poor-quality studies: several public health measures are eff

I am surprised by lack of quality data given that the entire world has been engaged in the same 'experiment' for the last 2 years. I am surprised that the benefit of surface clearning exceeds that of social distancing and mask wearing. I am not sure I will start surface cleaning, however.


Harmful POEM

We’re two years into a pandemic and you publish a POEM like this. It is potentially harmful as is it it is fuel for all the Covid nay sayers
Why bother, we know that all these interventions are somewhat helpful and certainly better than doing nothing


reducing covid

hand washing, social distancing and masks