Medication abortion for pregnancy of unknown location a reasonable option

Question clinique

Is same-day initiation of medication abortion safe and effective for early pregnancy of unknown location?


This retrospective cohort study suggests that the same-day start of medication abortion for patients with LMP within 42 days and an initial ultrasound result showing no gestational sac is a reasonable option, for both efficacy and safety. Women with major risk factors for (or symptoms suggesting) ectopic pregnancy were not eligible for same-day medication abortion. A larger randomized controlled trial is necessary to verify the relative efficacy and safety of same-day initiation of medication abortion versus delay-for-diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy before medication abortion. 2b

Plan de l'etude: Cohort (retrospective)

Financement: Foundation

Cadre: Outpatient (any)


Linda Speer, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH

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Robert Wallace Shepherd

Medication abortion for pregnancy of unknown location a reas

The Synopsis said, "Initial hCG results were received after medication administration. If the hCG level was less than 2000, medication abortion could proceed as planned..."
What medication was administered before measuring beta hCG?


medication for abortion

lmp within 42 days, meds probably safe if unknown location