Ketamine reduces suicidal ideation quickly, but may not reduce the short-term likelihood of suicide attempts

Question clinique

In patients at risk of suicide who are admitted to a hospital, does ketamine reduce suicidal ideation?


Ketamine can rapidly reduce suicidal ideation and, presumably, the risk of suicide in at-risk patients voluntarily admitted to a hospital. However, based on this small study, ketamine doesn't seem to reduce the subsequent risk of attempted suicide over the next 6 weeks. 1b-

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Inpatient (ward only)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Role ketamine in suicidal tendency

Ketamine a dissociative anaesthetic having an edge effect on suicidal tendency is useful on acute episodes and doesn't have impact on long term tendency of the same impulse


ketamine and suicide risk

One of the most potentially impactful POEMS I have seen! thanks!


ketamine for decreasing suicidal ideation

works in acute admission phase but maybe not after 6 wks