Brief intervention ineffective to decrease unhealthy drug use

Question clinique

Are brief interventions aimed at persons with identified unhealthy drug use effective?


Brief interventions used in primary care for people with unhealthy drug use do not, on average, lessen the frequency or intensity of drug use. 1a

Plan de l'etude: Meta-analysis (randomized controlled trials)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Various (meta-analysis)


Allen F. Shaughnessy, PharmD, MMedEd
Professor of Family Medicine
Tufts University
Boston, MA

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Definition of brief intervention?

Is "brief intervention" defined in this POEM included as the 1 to 5 interventions lasting 5 to 60 min? I would not normally call 60 min interventions repeated 5 times as brief.


Disappointing, not surprising

The small effect of such interventions in ED is a bit encouraging.