Lower systolic BP during antihypertensive treatment associated with more deaths in the elderly

Question clinique

Is lower systolic blood pressure associated with better outcomes in elderly patients who take antihypertension medications?


In this small cohort study of patients older than 85 years, lower systolic blood pressure during treatment with antihypertensive medications is associated with higher death rates and greater cognitive decline. 1b-

Plan de l'etude: Cohort (prospective)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Population-based


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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My target above 80 years old, no matter DM or CKD, <150/90.


Finally. something I can use to justify my long-held belief that treating the elderly for hypertension is not only a waste of time but is actually harmful!
I am going print this off and hand out in my waiting room- thank you.


Good poem


leaning on guidelines is the worst way to practice medicine. Using your knowledge of your patient - especially the elderly - and common sense is far superior and will keep people alive longer.


I am not sure whether this will offer a tangible, clinical benefit, other than both patient and prescriber feeling more comfortable about being off antihypertensives at a later age. This may expose them to less risk of adverse effects, and lower pill burden, both of which seem like a good idea in a patient over 80 yrs old.


Most practitioners at the entry level of the health care system have been convinced that the measurement and pharmacologic manipulation of isolated readings blood pressure produces immense benefit and run a system predicated on this.This is a good financial model for those involved but delivers very poor returns. Various body measurements are taken as a surrogate marker for good health and manipulated with the one very strange exception of waist circumference.
We could expend our resources better.


Is it possible to identify post-Rx systolics in mm Hg to see if there is correlation between amount of lowering with the increased mortality and cognitive decline? That is, was Rx "too successful"?


Presumably there will be optimal upper and lower limits for BP for different ages and other factors. Hopefully more information will become available in future.


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