Biannual azithromycin reduces all-cause mortality in preschool children in sub-Saharan Africa

Question clinique

Does a twice yearly dose of azithromycin reduce all-cause mortality in children in sub-Saharan Africa?


This study supports the use of twice yearly azithromycin for preschool children in sub-Saharan Africa. The benefit was not uniform, though, and was greatest in the youngest children and in those in the country with the worst infant mortality rate (Niger). 1b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (double-blinded)

Financement: Foundation

Cadre: Population-based


Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS
University of Georgia
Athens, GA

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also learned about definition of biannual. does mean every six months and biennial is once every two years.


Good poem


this set up is disturbing and does not touch the core of the problem being high infant death : you can not solve the problem with twice one dose of ab


Promoting mass use of antibiotics in countries with poor resources instead of addressing the underlying socioeconomic issues, seriously? this is the best Medical solution, just give kids antibiotics prophalactically? What about the information regarding adverse effects of treatment or development of antibiotic resistant strains. This really seems like a bandaid solution.


Third world related different population.



Really highlights the differences in this little world and how privileged we are. Obviously it would be better to fix the conditions that lead to the catastrophic rates of illness and death. But neither I nor anyone else has a decent solution to these problems. Amazing to see how under these conditions an "obviously terrible" idea can save so many lives.


The review did not comment on drop-out rates of the two groups. The intention to treat is laudable in these trachoma prone infants & children


I practice in Canada, not sub-Saharan Africa. There is close to no similarity between my patients and those in the study population.


Should we shift antibiotics out of the 1st World and be deliberate in their use, and not just second hand drugs, in the 3rd ?


What is being treated with the Azithromycin?