Intensive primary care weight-loss program results in remission for half of patients with T2DM (DiRECT)

Question clinique

Can an intensive weight-management program in primary care settings result in remission of type 2 diabetes?


After 12 months of an intensive weight-magaement program that included caloric-restricted dietary replacement followed by re-introduction of food, nearly half of the obese patients with type 2 diabetes achieved remission. The sustainability of this is uncertain. 2b

Plan de l'etude: Randomized controlled trial (nonblinded)

Financement: Government

Cadre: Outpatient (primary care)


Henry C. Barry, MD, MS
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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There is potential for economic gain in ALL businessses whether it is drug related or lifestyle related. That’s life. The CMA is in business collecting fees from members. MD Managemnt is busy making money off of physicians with no guarantee of benefit to physicians. I fail to see the author’s point.


Concerted efforts to assist patients in weight loss conducive to such remission of metabolic disease including DM should be the focus of a lot more public health strategies with much better governmental financial support.


Results appear consistent with the new paradigm that DM2 is caused by insulin resistance. Defeat that resistance through dietary intervention, then as resistance abates, the diabetes just goes away. Nicely presented


Weight loss has some beneficial effect on boderline diabetes is well established before. The questions are : what are the readings like FBS ,hbA1C of these obese patients to begin with? How long can the weight loss be maintained? A longitudinal study of 2-5 years is warranted.


States the obvious - but practically unattainable.


Good poem


Just the old saying, eat less walk more.


Certains patients t’a ne souhaitent pas de médication
Il semble que la chirurgie bariatrique soit devenu la solution facile du siècle !
Les régimes plus sévères , selon mon expérience client ont amené des problèmes d’humeur à l’occasion mais surtout une relation pathologique avec là nourriture et une reprise de poids parfois plus importante après un certain temps


I have no doubt having seen the benefits of Dr. Bernstein's diet, that carbohydrate RESTRICTED diets and managed ketosis will produce significant weight loss and reduction in the need for medications for hypertensives and diabetic type 2 patients.


Our society is eating ourselves into early death. So sad.