COVID-19 research briefs: Evidence for effectiveness for tocilizumab for COVID-19 treatment inconclusive and not encouraging

Clinical Question

Can tocilizumab improve symptoms in patients with COVID-19?

Bottom line

RCTs and observational studies of tociluzumab for patients with COVID-19 yield inconsistent results but, overall, results suggest it may not be effective. 2b

Study design: Not applicable


Setting: Other


John Hickner, MD, MS
Professor Emeritus
Dept of Family Medicine
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

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Alan Kenneth Macklem

cytokine storm

It sounds like dexamethasone is the mainstay of lowering inflammation.


Just an observation...

... of another example of how companies use the media to promote their new medication prematurely and how the actual science lags


tocilizumab for covid

not useful